Disposal of veterinary waste

One of the aspects of our wide activity is collection, transport and disposal of veterinary waste from offices, clinics, clinics and animal clinics. Hazardous or infectious substances generated during each examination – regardless of whether it is the treatment of dogs and cats, or the diagnosis of larger representatives of this species – should be professionally disposed of in accordance with applicable legal regulations.

The company EMKA S. A., which has been operating on the market for several years, provides comprehensive services in the field of neutralizing veterinary waste of various types, including chemicals, cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs as well as surgical and surgical instruments. According to the schedule agreed with the client, will provide collection and transport of the indicated preparations. Detailed information on all types of infectious, dangerous and other substances or objects that we deal with disposal, can be found below:

Codes for the most common veterinary waste generated

02 01 80 – animals dead and slaughtered out of necessity and waste animal tissue, showing dangerous properties,

02 01 81 – fallen stock and waste animal tissue representing a specific and high risk material other than those mentioned in 02 01 80,

18 02 02 * – Other waste that contains live pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins and other forms capable of transferring genetic material that are known or reliably believed to cause disease in humans and animals, e.g. waste contaminated with blood, secretion containing pathogens or containing blood in liquid form, e.g. contaminated vessels, waste from operations / procedures (drapes, bandages, gauze, etc.), surgical and surgical instruments contaminated with contaminated material, contaminated syringes, laboratory glassware, drip devices,

18 02 01 – Surgical and treatment instruments and their remains (except 18 02 02) e.g. surgical knives, scalpels, scissors, chisels, files

18 02 03 – Other waste than those mentioned in 18 02 02 are non-infectious waste such as – surgical instruments without sharp objects, syringes (without needles), disposable clothing, masks for respiratory protection, gloves, disposable items)

18 02 05 * – Chemicals, including chemical reagents, containing hazardous substances – e.g. inorganic and organic laboratory chemicals along with diagnostic residues, not completely emptied hazardous chemical packaging

18 02 06 – Chemicals, including chemical reagents other than those mentioned in 18 02 05 i.e. not containing hazardous substances, e.g. out-of-date contaminated chemicals, waste from diagnostic equipment

18 02 07 * – Cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs e.g. original drug containers not completely emptied, expired drugs in their original packaging, infusion components and residual material contaminated with cytostatics

18 02 08 – Drugs other than those mentioned in 18 02 07 e.g. rejected batches, defective, expired, contaminated drugs

Storage methods and duration

A properly adapted room – requirements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of October 1, 2010 on the detailed handling of veterinary waste

Stationary cooling device – requirements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of October 1, 2010 on the detailed handling of veterinary waste

18 02 02 * – Storage above 10 ° C for as long as the properties of the waste allow,
however not longer than 48 hours. At temperatures below 10 ° C, the storage period may be up to 30 days.

18 02 01, 18 02 03, 18 02 05 *, 18 02 06, 18 02 07 *, 18 02 08 – Storage for as long as the properties of the waste permit, but no longer than 30 days .

Waste packing method

Infectious veterinary waste, with the exception of waste with sharp ends and edges, is collected in disposable polyethylene foil containers or bags, which are opaque, durable, resistant to moisture and chemicals, and can be closed once

Waste with sharp ends and edges is collected in rigid, moisture-resistant, mechanically resistant to puncture or cutting, single-use containers, which are placed where they are generated.

Containers or bags should be filled to 2/3 of their volume in a way that enables their safe closure

Each container and bag should be properly marked in a visible place. The identification marking should include: the code of the waste stored therein, the place of origin of the waste, the date of closure

Infectious waste is collected in red single-use containers or bags.

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