Disposal of medical waste from pharmacies

The facility selling drugs and pharmaceuticals is obliged to neutralize all chemicals that are generated during the production of medicinal preparations. Appropriate disposal of medical waste from pharmacies also applies to expired or withdrawn pharmacological agents. Improper storage, receipt, transport or neutralization of this type of substances may cause serious environmental pollution and pose a threat to people.

Bearing in mind the above, we have prepared an attractive proposal for cooperation for pharmacies from all over the country. We deal with collection, transport and disposal of medical waste most often produced in this type of health care facilities, such as: cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs, cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs selectively collected, other drugs. We provide professional and timely disposal and disposal services.

More information about the different types of dangerous pharmaceuticals and how they can be stored is available below:

Codes of the most common waste generated in pharmacies

18 01 08 – Cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs

18 01 09 – Drugs other than those mentioned in 18 01 08 e.g. rejected batches, defective, expired, contaminated drugs, intoxicants, psychotropic substances

20 01 31 * – Selectively collected cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs
20 01 32 – Medicines other than those mentioned in 20 01 31 selectively collected

Storage methods and duration

Properly adapted room – requirements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 30.07.2010 on the detailed handling of medical waste

Stationary refrigeration device – requirements in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 30.07.2010 on the detailed handling of medical waste

18 01 03 *, 18 01 06, 18 01 08 *, – Storage at a temperature of 10 ° C to 18 ° C as long as the properties of the waste allow, but no longer than 72 hours. At temperatures below 10 ° C, the storage period may be up to 30 days.

18 01 01, 18 01 04, 18 01 07, 18 01 09 – Storage as long as the properties of the waste permit, but no longer than 30 days.

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